Thursday, July 21, 2011


Well i have some big news, after you last heard from me i was heading toward Montana for a ranchers open mic convention, crossing the wyoming boarder i was hit and injured severely by a buffalo deer mob nearly loosing some function of my hand connector.  The trooper cop who first arrived at the accident area called in a 409 and i was helicottered (new type of flying machine) back to Des Moines where they have a unit the deal specifically with hand connectors. Upon arriving back at the place i had just left after a luscious sopen (surprise open mic) mic i was brought into a professional hospital to save my hand connector. In fear i might loose some function of my hand connector Dr Kennis put me in an coma sleep so they could keep my hand under loose observation.

Well Dear readers about 4 hours ago i finally awoke from my inducted coma sleep, and for the first time in nearly 10 months i was awake. I felt just like Thom Crugers character must have felt in the hollywood motion picture "Vandella Sky", and to top it off my hand connectors hadn't lost any function, they worked just like when i was a kid and i lived at the king author court apartments in Georgia state. I high fived Dr Kennis so hard he said "ouch hank, you slow down you've been gone for a long time and things have changed".

Well i had seen Vandella Sky before so i knew that during my coma half my family had probably died, that their were probably flying Raz'or Scooters now and that Tina Turner was most likely now president of the council. So i prepared my self for the speech but the doctor didn't have any typical post coma news instead he went on to tell me that my Open Mic Consortium insurance doesn't cover coma sleeps and that i had amassed 367.00 $ in hospital coma fees, and that my car, a 1968 Dubuque town car ,was donated to a farmer to keep hoses in during the winter. In minutes i had gone from thinking i was in Vandella Sky to being broke and carless. "At least half my family didnt die", i said.

Dr Kennis then chimed in"Actually your mom did die, she was hit by a foul ball at a Baseball match and died of complications, but don't think about that. Whats important is that your not allowed to leave Des Moines until your expenses are paid. Anyway i have to go wash my expensive Mountain bike, good luck Hank" and Dr Kennis walked out.